Friday, June 4, 2010

Sen. Steve Urquhart Responds "Mike Lee Lobbyist Issue"

In his blog Utah state Senator Steve Urquhart wrote a response to the news articles that broke yesterday concerning senate candidate Mike Lee's failure to register as a lobbyist when lobbying in 2009 for 1-800-Contacts. In Lee's campaign statement made to Fox 13 News, the Mike Lee campaign characterized Senator Steve Urquhart as "Tim Bridgewater's henchman"
"It is a last minute attempt, two weeks before an election, by Tim Bridgewater's henchman, Steve Urquhart, to smear Mike Lee over an action he fully cleared with the Lt. Governor's office a year ago." article

In response to the Lee campaign's attack, Sen. Steve Urquhart wrote the following >>


June 4, 2010

by Senator Steve Urquhart

Yesterday, someone filed a complaint about Mike Lee failing to register as a lobbyist. I don’t know who filed the complaint.

Because the lobbying involved a bill I championed, reporters asked me whether Lee had lobbied on the Hill. The answer is yes. Simple enough, right?

Because I answered the reporters’ questions, the Lee campaign called me a “henchman” for Tim Bridgewater (who, though I now support after Bennett’s defeat, I hadn’t really spoken with for 8 years prior to Lee’s immaculate lobbyist claims). Why the unhinged response by Lee? Does Lee think I should have “no commented” the questions? Does he think I should cover for him? Is he sending a message to the world that Mike Lee won’t tolerate scrutiny? Or does he simply have really thin skin? In any event, it’s weird behavior by Lee.

Did Lee lobby? Yes. Many senators and lobbyists could verify that. For example, this article notes that Lee’s friend, who is neutral in the race (but did host An Evening on the Constitution event for Lee), and who was working against us on the bill in question, also replied to media’s inquiries by stating that Lee lobbied. It’s simply not true that Lee didn’t lobby.

Many lobbyists, including Mike, add to the political process by succinctly sharing information and fielding technical questions. I don’t believe that anyone is saying he conducted himself in an inappropriate manner while lobbying. I personally asked Senators to meet with him about the bill, and while we sat there, he lobbied them. He did a fine job. It simply is a question whether he should have registered. If he believes he has a suitable answer, why not simply give it?

Lee is griping about the timing of the complaint. Is it political? Of course it is, but Lee seems to be the one who triggered the issue. He is the one who indignantly stated that Bridgewater is a lobbyist. The complaint appears designed to point out that Lee’s charges are hypocritical. It was a stupid political move on his part, and he got called on it.

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